Teacher 4.0 project concentrates on Industry 4.0 didactic competence of teachers of non-IT subjects. This competence, due to development of technology, became the key competence in today’s world.
The project will enhance teacher’s professional development and strength teaching professions through strengthen, and acquisition of new professional skills and knowledge related to concept of Industry 4.0 and affiliated technologies among Teachers teaching non-IT subjects in primary and secondary schools.
Teacher 4.0 objectives are:
to extend and develop Non IT subjects teachers competences needed for effective teaching in Industry 4.0 context;
to support the implementation of Industry 4.0 didactic possibilities in primary and secondary schools programs;
to strength the capacity of Non IT subjects teachers to develop pupils’ critical thinking and creativity through integration of innovative approaches into teaching process.
These main objectives are addressed to the following target groups:
direct: Non-IT subject’s teachers from primary (grades 4 and higher) and secondary schools from Poland, Lithuania, Italy, Romania and Portugal.
indirect: students of primary schools in grades 4 and higher and secondary schools from Poland, Lithuania, Italy, Romania and Portugal.
In the course of the project, the project partners will develop two intellectual outputs:
- Enchiridion 4.0 for Non-IT subjects teachers
- 0 Lesson scenario video set
The project is coordinated by Zespol Szkol im Ks. Dra Jana Zwierza (Poland) and it is implemented in partnership with Kauno Rajono Svietimo Centras (Lithuania), Agrupamento de Escola de Moure e Ribeira do Neiva (Portugal), CWEP (Poland), Casa Corpului Didactic Teleorman (Romania) and LABC srl (Italy).
Follow the project updates on implementation and results on the project website: https://teacher40.erasmus.site/ and on our social facilities