FIL – Finances In everyday Life

Implementation period: 01.10.2019 – 30.09.2021
Assistance program: ERASMUS+
Project number: 2019-1-RO01-KA204-063042

Project description:
Providing the necessary knowledge and skills for disadvantaged learners in the financial field and digital competence is essential to improve their quality of life and well-being. The FIL project is a response to the problem of a gap in financial knowledge coming from basic skills shortcomings.

Aims of project:

  • to extend competences of adult educators in effective teaching finance and digital skills by preparing Open Educational Resource (OER) containing innovative, customised learning course “Finances in everyday life”;
  • to improve the financial potential of people from disadvantaged backgrounds by increasing their digital and financial literacy defined as: “a combination of awareness, knowledge, skill, attitude and behaviour necessary to make sound financial decisions and ultimately achieve individual financial well-being.”

Project outputs:

  • OER with online course “Finances in everyday life”;
  • Guide for Adult Educators “Have a nice journey! On the way to improve basic skills”

Target group:

  • adult educators (incl. not professionals, working in non-formal education settings, adult education centres, schools for adults, 3rd age universities, social centres, voluntary organisations, adult educators-freelancers) working with people from disadvantaged backgrounds;
  • adult learners from disadvantaged backgrounds: people living in remote areas; unemployed (incl. people living in low-income households, women); senior citizens, low-skilled or low-educated people, immigrants.


  • CDA – Arad, Romania – Coordinator
  • CWEP – Rzeszów, Poland
  • FYG CONSULTORES – Valencia, Spain
  • LABC S.R.L. – Torino, Italy
  • BEST Institut GmbH –Wien, Austria



