JIMINY share our Journey to lncrease your techniques of eMotional lntelligence, digital awareNess & entrepreneurship lilestYle

JIMINY is the acronym for Journey to lncrease your techniques of eMotional lntelligence, digital awareNess and entrepreneurship lilestYle. The project is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ program – Strategic Partnerships for adult education.

JIMINY is based on the evidence that a low level of digital competence can leave a person at a disadvantage in  ones position in society in a broader sense, and not just on the labour market. As such, there is a clear link between enhancing digital competence and efforts to create more inclusive and cohesive societies. Accordingly, both the adult educators and the job seekers need to develop their digital skills and also emotional intelligence. Self-awareness, self-management, motivation, empathy and social skills are now recognized as the factor behind personal and professional success. 

The main goal of the JIMINY project is to increase the techniques and the competencies among the members of certain disadvantaged groups in the areas of emotional Intelligence, digital awareness and entrepreneurship lifestyle. 

More specifically JIMINY will: 

  •  increase the possibilities for employment for low skilled adults, 
  •  increase the motivation to learn, 
  •  develop basic and specific competencies of adult educators and practitioners. 

JIMINY products are the JIMINY Self-help Handbook and JIMINY Personal Trainer

As a first step, a desk research is performed to shed light on the basic causes of the problems in every country and to record and evaluate various efforts taking place to address it. This research together with the workshops will enable the partners to provide solutions focused on the specific problems per country and the specific gaps the local initiatives have. 

The project is implemented by the coordinator ADES (Romania) together with CWEP – (Poland), SYMPLEXIS (Greece), Mindshift Talent Advisory (Portugal), Valencia Innohub (Spain), CCS Digital Education Limited (Ireland) and LABC srl (Italy)

Website:  https://jiminy.erasmus.site/

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jiminy.erasmus