“FIL – Finance In everyday Life” is a project funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ program – Strategic Partnerships for adult education.
FIL project aims to represent one of the possible answers to fullfil the gap in financial knowledge which derives from a shortages of basic skills in economically disadvantaged groups. FIL intends to offer new tools and training courses aimed at acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to improve the quality of life and well-being.
Among the results produced by the project, we highlight the online course “Financial management in daily life”, which will be freely available on Open Educational Resource (OER) and a guide for trainers and educators for adults “Have a good trip! On the way to improving basic skills ”.
These tools are offered to improve skills in general financial management; this are specifically tailored to become a resource for people from disadvantaged backgrounds by increasing their level of digital and financial literacy. FIL’s approach is based on the vision that only a combination of awareness, knowledge, skills, attitude and behavior are necessary to make healthy financial decisions and, ultimately, achieving an individual financial well-being.
The project is implemented by the coordinator CDA (Romania) together with CWEP (Poland), FYG CONSULTORES (Spain), LABC (Italy), BEST Institut (Austria) and UTH – University of Thessaly (Greece).