“DEPAL – Digital Education and PArticipatory Learning”, is a 30-month project funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus + call on strategic partnerships for adult education.
The project contributes to increase the skills and competences of adult educators in fostering the application of the methodology of participatory learning within the community based approach and praxis. One of the tools that will be particularly taken into account in this learning process is the use of Digital Storytelling, which implicitly brings the increment of digital competences.
The project is structured on three phases: the development of skills and competences in adult educators to deliver more engaging digital contents in their community based interventions. This learning process is meant to produce over 40 new digital storytelling contents which will be developed during a free learning and experiential laboratory on the themes of participatory learning in the construction of community interventions with the use of the digital storytelling tool.
The results and feedback of this shared process constitute a structuring part of the toolkit which represents one of the products of the project.
We begin to announce that anyone interested in participating in this work process can immediately report their interest by contacting us directly via email or on social channels referring to local and national partners.
The project intellectual outcomes include:
→ the methodological guide “Understanding Participatory and Digital Learning: A Guide for Adult Educators”
→ the “DEPAL Toolkit: How to deliver engaging digital education for Adult Learners”
→ the “DEPAL educational e-platform” where all the contents and outputs of the project will be available under the Creative Commons license to favor the free and horizontal dissemination.
The project is implemented by Liverpool World Centre (UK) as coordinator, in partnership with LABC (Ita), Liverpool Community Spirit (UK), Neo Sapiens (ES), Partner training for transformation (IE), Vardakeios School for Indigent Children (GR) and Diciannove (Ita).