The 3DP Teacher project aims to improve the digital skills of teachers in relation to the implementation of 3D printing within the educational process, with particular attention to its application for overcoming educational barriers with students and pupils in difficulty or with disabilities.
The target group of the training material produced by the project is composed by teachers, managers and didactic managers of secondary schools interested in innovations and in the development of their digital teaching skills, together with students interested in new technologies. The goal will be achieved through the creation and dissemination of:
– 3D teaching guide, built specifically for teachers, including case studies, examples of lessons with 3DP, recommendations on possible implementations
– a 3D modeling course for teachers
– an online platform for teachers interested in applying 3DP solutions
– an European network of experts and teachers dedicated to 3D teaching to encourage the exchange of practices, models and classroom experiences
In conformity with the participatory approach in the construction of training and learning paths, the project foresees a direct participation of the recipients in the implementation process of the results and products. The project saw the creation of groups made up of 20 teachers interested in participating in the entire work process through a twofold sharing: each group participates in the collection of the training question, in the identification of the thematic areas of greatest interest and didactic emphasis and in the indication of best practices that are verified and validated at European level by the University of Thessaly.
The teachers group offers the necessary indications for the construction of the 3D modeling course, of which you will receive a dedicated presentation. The same group will be invited to revise the teaching guide to 3D modeling, and will be included in the European network of experts and teachers dedicated to 3D teaching.
The project is coordinated by Agrupamento de Escolas de Moure and Ribeira do Neiva (Portugal) and has a partnership consisting of Special Education and Guidance Services (Turkey), Fyg Consultores – Valencia, (Spain), SC Ludor Engineering SRL – Valea Adanca (Romania), UTH – University of Thessalia, Volos (Greece), Cwep (Poland), LABC (Italy) and from Szkola Podstawowa im. ks. Jana Twardowskiego w Nowej Wsi (Poland)