JIMINY – online steering meeting between project partners and updates on the project implementation

Dreaming of being in Lisbon from afar, the project partners met today for a conference call to maintain the schedule activities of the project and meet online to jointly develop the topics foreseen on the agenda of the second JIMINY project management meeting.

Together we confronted and discussed on:

  • state of the art and progress of the final workshops and of the preparatory focuses for the writing of national reports
  • comparison and definition of the structure of the JIMINY Self-Help Handbook – during this part of the work, the issues that will constitute the backbone of the publication were studied with particular relevance. In particular:
    – Emotional intelligence, self-awareness and self-management skills

– Social awareness, management of social situations, structuring of an action plan.

– Digital awareness and skills, horizontal access to digital resources, responsible approach to social media.

– Enterprising and entrepreneurship, ability to make economically safe decisions.

– Personal responsibility, ability to develop links between “opportunities, skills and dreams”, achievement of objectives.

– Validation of skills, sense of initiative and possibilities to develop entrepreneurship in disadvantaged groups

The second part of the conference call was entirely dedicated to the managerial, administrative and financial dimension. For the restrictions applied to the activities in the various European countries due to the covid-19, the participants to the conference call proceeded to redesign and redefine the work program which will be implemented during the next semester in all the different partner countries.

Pending the next newsletter and the diffusion of further material, it is possible to follow the project on:



