SOURCE Teaching and visual methods for online instructors

Implementation period: 01.11.2022 – 31.10.2024

Assistance program: ERASMUS+

Project number: 2022-1-RS01-KA220-ADU-000088577

Project description:

The SOURCE consortium is made up of partners who are actively engaged in offering structured and semi-formal learning opportunities. In preparatory discussions, it was discovered that educators often lack the digital competence and skills needed to go beyond basic online learning experience and create interactive and engaging learning experiences.

The SOURCE project aims to enhance educators’ digital competence to create and deliver engaging online learning experiences. Strong evidence indicates that distance learning is currently the predominant method and will continue to be so. According to Times Higher Education’s 2018 report on higher education perspectives from leaders of the world’s top universities, it is predicted that by 2030, most prestigious universities will offer their complete courses online. Until recently, technology has primarily driven most online courses. However, it is crucial to recognize that effective online teaching involves more than simply translating face-to-face courses into a digital format; it requires a deeper understanding beyond technological aspects.

The target groups of the project are:

  • Experts in adult learning – adult trainers, instructors, facilitators, educators, mentors, coaches providing online learning services and remote teaching, curriculum designers experts, educational technologists;
  • Lifelong learners, trainees or upskilling/reskilling;
  • Training managers that focus on managerial aspects, including curriculum assessment, learning systems, quality assurance and administration;
  • eLearning industry – Technology, Solution providers;
  • Policymakers, educational leaders;
  • The general public, individual professionals.

Project results:

  • Online Instructors – Best Practices, Skills, and Competencies:

The partners will identify and analyse current best practices in educational technologies and remote teaching as a result of collaborative desk research on national, European, and international level. It will result in tools like Decision Support Tool.

  • Designing and Developing Training Material:

The SOURCE curriculum, which clearly states aims, outcomes, program outlines, learning objectives and intended learning outcomes will be developed. This includes identifying appropriate learning components and delivery methods to promote improved learning.

  • Pilot the SOURCE MOOC:

Establishing an online training platform to host SOURCE training materials. This platform will incorporate microlearning principles, offering self-paced learning, detailed topics, diverse strategies, and various learning modes. The SOURCE team will utilize existing infrastructure and open-source technologies to minimize costs.

Project website:

Partners of the project:

  • UMOVI EVROPE (Serbia – Coordinator)
  • LABC S.R.L. (Italy)